by sweeetchillies | Sep 26, 2022 | Chinese
#sweeetchillies CORN VEGGIES FRITTERS These veggies and corn fritters are classic summer veggies mixed into one delicious and easy recipe. Enjoy them as a savoury breakfast, as a snack, or as a veggie-loaded side dish to any meal! There are evenings when you are fine...
by sweeetchillies | Sep 16, 2022 | Chinese
#sweeetchillies BUDDHA’S DELIGHT (CHINESE STYLE VEGETABLE STEW) Buddha’s Delight is a healthy Chinese dish that can be complicated to make, but our recipe breaks it down and makes it easier to make at home, even for a weeknight dinner! Chinese cuisine puts a lot of...
by sweeetchillies | Jul 25, 2022 | Chinese
#sweeetchillies INDIAN STYLE BASIL SPAGHETTI This simple Indian-style basil spaghetti recipe is one to keep in your back pocket for busy evenings. It’s quick, easy, and requires minimal ingredients—and most importantly, it’s absolutely delicious! Plus, you can...